Possible phononic mechanism fordx2y2superconductivity in the presence of short-range antiferromagnetic correlations

We discuss the high-temperature superconductors in a regime where the antiferromagnetic (AF) correlation length is only a couple of lattice spacings. In the model proposed here, these short-range AF fluctuations play an essential role in the dressing of the carriers, but the attraction needed for superconductivity arises from a transverse phonon oxygen mode with a finite buckling angle as it appears in YBa2Cu3O7δ. A simple fermion-phonon model analog to the Holstein model is introduced to account for this effect. We argue that the model has a dx2y2-wave superconducting ground state. The critical temperature (Tc) and the O-isotope effect coefficient (αO) versus hole density (x) are in qualitative agreement with experiments for the cuprates. The minimum (maximum) of αO(Tc) at optimal doping is caused by a large peak in the density of states of holes dressed by AF fluctuations, as discussed in previous van Hove scenarios.
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