Hadronization in the SU(3) Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model

The hadronization process for quarks combining into two mesons, qq¯MM at temperature T is described within the SU(3) Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model with finite current quark masses. Invariant matrix elements, cross sections, and transition rates are calculated to leading order in a 1/Nc expansion. Four independent classes, ud¯, us¯, , and ss¯→hadrons are analyzed and the yield is found to be dominated by pion production. Threshold behavior is determined by the exothermic or endothermic nature of the processes constituting the hadronization class. A strong suppression of transition rates is found at the pionic Mott temperature TMπ=212 MeV, at which the pion becomes a resonant state. The mean time for hadronization is calculated to be 2–4 fm/c near the Mott temperature. The calculation of strangeness changing processes indicates that hadronization accounts for a 1% increase in the absolute value of the kaon to pion ratio at T=150 MeV. © 1996 The American Physical Society.