Anatomy of the soft photon approximation in hadron-hadron bremsstrahlung

A modified Low procedure for constructing soft-photon amplitudes has been used to derive two general soft-photon amplitudes, a two-s–two-t special amplitude MμTsTts and a two-u–two-t special amplitude MμTuTts, where s, t, and u are the Mandelstam variables. MμTsTts depends only on the elastic T matrix evaluated at four sets of (s,t) fixed by the requirement that the amplitude be free of derivatives (∂T/∂s and/or ∂T/∂t). Likewise MμTuTts depends only on the elastic T matrix evaluated at four sets of (u,t) also fixed by the requirement that the amplitude MμTuTts be free of derivatives (∂T/∂u and/or ∂T/∂t). In deriving these two amplitudes, we imposed the condition that MμTsTts and MμTuTts reduce to M¯μTsTts and M¯μTuTts, respectively, their tree-level approximations.
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