Pinning down Higgs triplets at the LHC

Extensions of the standard model Higgs sector involving weak isotriplet scalars are not only benchmark candidates to reconcile observed anomalies of the recently discovered Higgs-like particle, but also exhibit a vast parameter space, for which the lightest Higgs' phenomenology turns out to be very similar to the standard model one. A generic prediction of this model class is the appearance of exotic doubly charged scalar particles. In this paper we adapt existing dilepton + missing energy + jets measurements in the context of supersymmetry searches to the dominant decay mode H-+/-+/- -> (WW +/-)-W-+/- and find that the LHC already starts probing the model's parameter space. A simple modification toward signatures typical of weak boson fusion searches allows us to formulate even tighter constraints with the 7 TeV LHC data set. A corresponding analysis of this channel performed at 14 TeV center-of-mass energy will constrain the model over the entire parameter space and facilitate potential H-+/-+/- -> (WW +/-)-W-+/- discoveries.