Spinal abnormalities and the atypical form of the Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome

In 96 patients with congenital absence of the uterus and upper vagina, the Mayer-Rokitansky-KüsterHauser (MRKH) syndrome, it proved possible to distinguish between the typical and the atypical form using laparoscopy. The typical form was characterized by symmetrical nonfunctioning muscular buds (the Müllerian duct remnants) and normal fallopian tubes, and the atypical form by aplasia of one or both buds, one bud smaller than the contralateral one, with or without dysplasia of one or both fallopian tubes. The atypical form was found in 52 patients (54.2%). Radiographs of the spine showed that congenital spinal abnormalities, especially the Klippel-Feil (KF) syndrome, were seen in 14 of the 52 patients with the atypical form only. Renal agenesis or ectopia together with the MRKH and KF syndromes, known as the MURCS association (MU: Müllerian duct aplasia; R: renal agenesis/ectopia; CS: cervical somite dysplasia), was diagnosed in 10/52 patients in the atypical group. From our results we conclude that additional cervical spine films in patients with the MRKH syndrome are indicated only in the atypical form the syndrome. In those cases where the MRKH syndrome is associated with the KF syndrome, the MURCS association should be considered.