Low-lying excitations from the yrast line of weakly interacting trapped bosons

Through an extensive numerical study, we find that the low-lying, quasidegenerate eigenenergies of weakly interacting trapped N bosons with total angular momentum L are given in the case of small L/N and sufficiently small L by E=Lħω+g[N(NL/21)+1.59n(n1)/2], where ω is the frequency of the trapping potential and g is the strength of the repulsive contact interaction. The last term arises from the pairwise repulsive interaction among n octupole excitations and describes the lowest-lying excitation spectra from the yrast line. In this case, the quadrupole modes do not interact with themselves and, together with the octupole modes, exhaust the low-lying spectra that are separated from others by energy gaps linear in N.