Semiclassical quantization of rotating superstring in $AdS_5 \times S^5$

  • 25 April 2002
Motivated by recent proposals in hep-th/0202021 and hep-th/0204051 we develop semiclassical quantization of superstring in $AdS_5 x S^5$. We start with a classical solution describing string rotating in $AdS_5$ and boosted along large circle of $S^5$. The energy of the classical solution $E$ is a function of the spin $S$ and the momentum $J$ (R-charge) which interpolates between the limiting cases S=0 and J=0 considered previously. We derive the corresponding quadratic fluctuation action for bosonic and fermionic fields from the GS string action and compute the string 1-loop (large $\lambda= {R^2\over \a'}$) correction to the classical energy spectrum in the $(S,J)$ sector. We find that the 1-loop ground-state energy shift does not cancel for $S\not=0$. For large $S$ it scales as $\ln S$, i.e. as the classical term, with no higher powers of $\ln S$ appearing. This supports the conjecture made in hep-th/0204051 that the classical $E-S = a \ln S$ scaling can be interpolated to weak coupling to reproduce the corresponding operator anomalous dimension behaviour in gauge theory.

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