Identification of a second retrotransposon-related element in the genome of Physarum polycephalum

The repetitive fraction of the genome of the eukaryotic slime mould Physarum polycephalum is dominated by Tp1, a family of retrotransposon-like sequences. Tp1 elements are arranged in scrambled clusters probably arising from integration of the element into copies of its own sequence. The present report describes a second sequence family, Tp2, which has been identified within cloned DNA segments of scrambled Tp1 sequences. Like Tp1, the Tp2 element is structurally related to retrotransposons, having long terminal direct repeats and being flanked by an apparent target site duplication, but its relatively short length (1.68 kb) indicates that it is probably incapable of encoding all the functions necessary for its own mobilisation. analysis of the coding potential of the Tp2 element supports this view, although a striking homology to a nucleic acid binding domain common to many retrotransposons was identified. As with Tp1, putative regulatory signals can be identified in the LTRs of Tp2. Identical arrangements of Tp2 with respect to Tp1 in more than one independently derived clone indicate that non-functional copies of Tp2 may be mobilised as part of a Tp1 transcriptional unit.