Search for CP Violation in the Decays D(s)+KS0π+ and D(s)+KS0K+

We have searched for CP violation in the charmed meson decays D(s)+KS0π+ and D(s)+KS0K+ using 673fb1 of data collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e collider. No evidence for CP violation is observed. We report the most sensitive CP asymmetry measurements to date for these decays: ACPD+KS0π+=(0.71±0.19±0.20)%, ACPDs+KS0π+=(+5.45±2.50±0.33)%, ACPD+KS0K+=(0.16±0.58±0.25)%, and ACPDs+KS0K+=(+0.12±0.36±0.22)%, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic.

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