Scattering of electromagnetic waves by helices and application to the modelling of chiral composites. II. Maxwell Garnett treatment

The average polarizabilities of a helix are computed using the far-field forward and backward scattering amplitudes, and subsequently used for deriving the constitutive parameters of helix-loaded composites via a Maxwell Garnett treatment. Computational results are first compared with some results obtained earlier with other effective-medium theories. Then, Maxwell Garnett estimates for the effective properties of several helix-loaded materials (chiral and transversely bianisotropic uniaxial composites) are compared with experimental data measured by the means of a free space bench in the 6-18 GHz range. Numerical and experimental determinations of the rotation angle, ellipticity, chirality parameter, permittivity, and permeability are presented and discussed in detail. Results for the reflection and transmission coefficients of helix-loaded slabs and the reflection coefficients of metal-backed slabs are also presented.

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