The stoichiometric dependence of the modulation wave vector in the incommensurately modulated structures of and

Electron diffraction was used to study the stoichiometric dependence of the modulation wave vector in the incommensurately modulated structures of - and . For and the space group of the basic structure is Pmmn, and the superspace group characterizing the one-dimensionally modulated structure is found to be . The stoichiometry dependence of the modulation wave vector q can be described by a staircase function, with being constant at for . A second plateau has been observed in the stability field of for with . For the stoichiometry range varies continuously between and . In the present paper we will show that the system can be described by an extended Frenkel - Kontorova model. Despite its extreme simplicity in the one-dimensional case, the model exhibits most of the features necessary for understanding the variation of the dependence of the modulation wave vector on the lithium stoichiometry.