Annihilation shifts and widths of thep¯-datomic levels

The strong interaction shifts and widths of the antiproton-deuteron atom are calculated within a simple three-body model. The nuclear p¯-d optical potential is obtained from a projected form of the Faddeev equations with rank one, separable, S-wave two-body potentials. The N-N¯ potential parameters are fit to the zero-energy scattering results of the Graz potential. The Coulomb potential is combined with the nuclear optical potential to obtain the atomic levels from the Schrödinger equation. The truncation of the Faddeev model optical potential to the level of the standard tρ impulse approximation overestimates the shifts and widths by up to 10% and 30%, respectively. The use of first-order perturbation theory for the atomic eigenvalue overestimates the widths by one order of magnitude.