Large Dip and Hump Type Quantum Oscillations in Magnetoacoustic Attenuation in Dilute Bi1-xSbx Alloys for q ∧H ∼90°. I. Experiment

Magnetoacoustic attenuation in Bi 1- x Sb x alloys has been investigated for samples with x =1.0 ×10 -4 , 3.6 ×10 -4 , and 8.6 ×10 -4 . The magnetic field vector H has been applied perpendicularly or nearly perpendicularly to the sound wave vector q . It has been found that for q parallel to the bisectrix axis hump and dip type quantum oscillations with greatly enhanced amplitudes are inverted from the former type to the latter one, as increasing the concentration of antimony x or the angle ν(=| q ∧ H -90°|), or as decreasing the sound wave frequency f . It is suggested that these peculiar dependences on x , ν and f come from a combined effect of the tilt effect and some relaxation mechanism which is ascribed to the electron-hole recombination process shown in the succeeding paper.