Chronic low-frequency stimulation upregulates uncoupling protein-3 in transforming rat fast-twitch skeletal muscle

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the temporal changes in uncoupling protein (UCP)-3 expression, as well as related adaptive changes in mitochondrial density and fast-to-slow fiber type transitions during chronically enhanced contractile activity. We examined the effects of 1–42 days of chronic low-frequency electrical stimulation (CLFS), applied to rat tibialis anterior (TA) for 10 h/day, on the expression of UCP-3 and concomitant changes in myosin heavy chain (MHC) protein expression and increases in oxidative capacity. UCP-3 protein content increased from 1 to 12 days, reaching 1.5-fold over control ( P < 0.0005); it remained elevated for up to 42 days. In contrast, UCP-3 mRNA decreased in response to CLFS, reaching a level that was threefold lower than control ( P < 0.0007). The activities of the mitochondrial reference enzymes citrate synthase (EC and 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA-dehydrogenase (EC, which are known to increase in proportion to mitochondrial density, progressively increased up to an average of 2.3-fold ( P < 0.00001). These changes were accompanied by fast-to-slow fiber type transitions, characterized by a shift in the pattern of MHC expression ( P