First Metatarsocuneiform Motion: A Radiographic and Statistical Analysis

Fifty volunteers with 100 asymptomatic feet were evaluated by physical examination, radiographic analysis, and questionnaire. This investigation was used to evaluate first metatarsocuneiform motion and establish normal values at this joint. Normal first ray sagittal range of motion was 4.37° (SD, ±3.4°). The shape of the distal cuneiform was then categorized by three classification methods. Multiple independent variables were cross-referenced to determine their relationship with motion and shape at the distal cuneiform. Hyperflexibility of the thumb correlated with first ray hypermobility. No correlation was found between first ray motion and sex, age, intermetatarsal angle, side, skin stretch, hyperextension of the knee, hyperextension of the elbow, or shape of the distal cuneiform.