Charge and spin-Peierls instabilities in quarter-filled (n=1/2) compounds consisting of coupled ladders and/or zig-zag chains are investigated. Hubbard and t-J models including local Holstein and/or Peierls couplings to the lattice are studied by numerical techniques. Next nearest neighbor hopping and magnetic exchange, and short-range Coulomb interactions are also considered. We show that, generically, these systems undergo instabilities towards the formation of Charge Density Waves, Bond Order Waves and (generalized) spin-Peierls modulated structures. Moderate electron-electron and electron-lattice couplings can lead to a coexistence of these three types of orders. In the ladder, a zig-zag pattern is stabilized by the Holstein coupling and the nearest-neighbor Coulomb repulsion. In the case of an isolated chain, bond-centered and site-centered 2k_F and 4k_F modulations are induced by the local Holstein coupling. In addition, we show that, in contrast to the ladders, a small charge ordering in the chains, strongly enhances the spin-Peierls instability. Our results are applied to the NaV_2O_5 compound (trellis lattice) and various phases with coexisting charge disproportionation and spin-Peierls order are proposed and discussed in the context of recent experiments. The role of the long-range Coulomb potential is also outlined.

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