Elastic properties and anisotropic pinning of the flux-line lattice in single-crystalline La1.85Sr0.15CuO4

The temperature dependence of the sound velocity and the sound-attenuation coefficient in single-crystalline La1.85 Sr0.15 CuO4 have been measured in the mixed state with an ultrasonic technique. An increase in the sound velocity and an attenuation peak, due to the elasticity of the flux-line lattice and the flux-pinning effect, are observed at a temperature lower than the superconducting transition temperature Tc. The compression and tilt moduli of the flux-line lattice are found to be softened in the case of H⊥c. The anisotropic activation energies that are necessary to depin the flux-line lattice are separately evaluated by measurements under various settings of the directions of the wave vector k, the polarization vector u, and the magnetic field H using an analysis based on the thermally assisted flux-flow model. The estimated activation energies are 1140 K (at 0 K, 6 T) for H⊥c, u∥c, 201 K (at 0 K, 14 T) for H⊥c, u∥(c×H), and 93 K (at 0 K, 6 T) for H∥c, u⊥c. These results are consistent with the intrinsic pinning mechanism. The activation energies determined by ultrasonic measurements are found to be smaller than those determined by resistivity measurements.