Anatomical Study of the Medial Ankle Ligament Complex

The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine insertion area, length and thickness of the various bundles and their anatomical relationship with inter-individual differences. Twelve ankles from human cadavers (ages 56 to 95 years, from nine men and three women) were dissected to the capsuloligamentous structures. Marked inter-individual differences were found for the five main ligaments (tibiospring, tibiocalcaneal, posterior and anterior deep tibiotalar and superficial posterior tibiotalar). The tibionavicular ligament is a thickened fibrous layer of the ankle capsule. The tibiocalcaneal and tibiospring ligaments are the longest, and the tibiocalcaneal and posterior deep tibiotalar ligaments are the thickest of these ligaments. Fibrils run in the direction of the tibia or dorsally. Knowledge of the deltoid ligament complex is necessary for anatomically and biomechanically correct reconstruction that provides stability without hazard to biomechanics of function.