Off-resonant-mode instabilities in mixed absorptive and dispersive optical bistability

We analyze instabilities in mixed absorptive and dispersive optical bistability in the rate-equation approximation and the mean-field and good-cavity limits. Our starting point is a set of multimode equations derived from the Maxwell-Bloch equations for ring-cavity boundary conditions. We obtain analytic expressions for the instability conditions. In a plane-wave analysis, we find that a portion of the lower transmission branch can be unstable in addition to the upper-branch instability found in purely absorptive bistability. Also, a new disconnected region of instability can exist on the upper branch. Our analysis becomes particularly simple for equal and opposite cavity detunings and we explore this case in detail. We extend our treatment to include a Gaussian transverse intensity profile and show that the instabilities remain in the presence of Gaussian averaging. We also show that many of the results obtained in the rate-equation approximation hold when the atomic linewidth and atomic decay rate are of the same order.

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