Within the simple displaced oscillator state ansatz of Davydov [Phys. Scr. 20, 387 (1979)], called the D2 ansatz state, the soliton remains stable against strong disorder in the sequences of masses, spring constants, and coupling constants. However, weak diagonal disorder or disorder in the dipole coupling constants destroys the solitons. Within the D1 ansatz, in which the quantum nature of the lattice plays a greater role than in the classical D2 state, the soliton appears only from nonlinearities roughly 3 to 4 times larger than those in D2 models. The sensitivity of such solitons to disorder is practically opposite that for the D2 state. Within the partial dressing model we find only dispersing solitary waves, no real traveling solitons. The sensitivity of such waves to disorder is similar to the D1 case.