I study the location of zeros, in the plane of complex coupling constant e, of the Fredholm determinant for the external-field problem in Euclidean spin-0 and spin-1/2 electrodynamics. In the massive spin-0 and spin-1/2 cases, a simple argument gives the already known result that the Fredholm determinant has no zeros for real eA. This result extends to the massless spin-0 case. However, I construct a class of counterexamples which shows that there are zeros for real eA, with A not a pure gauge potential, in massless spin-1/2 electrodynamics. The functional measure of the potentials A obtained from the construction is not determined. The construction is based on the fact that the problem of determining zero eigenvalues in an external field in massless spin-1/2 electrodynamics separates into two uncoupled two-component equations. I discuss possible implications of this result for the study of spinor electrodynamics by nonperturbative path-integral methods.