Laser spectroscopy of theB0+state in HgZn

Excitation and fluorescence spectra of the HgZn excimer were observed in a mixture of Hg and Zn vapors contained in a quartz cell and subjected to pump-and-probe pulsed-laser excitation. The excitation spectrum extended from about 6600 Å to over 8000 Å; in the 6900–7700-Å region it exhibited some structure, but elsewhere it appeared to be structureless. The fluorescence spectrum was recorded in the 2600–2750-Å region and appeared as a series of Condon diffraction patterns arising from the bound-free decays of various vibronic states to the repulsive ground state. We believe the excitation spectrum to arise from B0+A1 vibronic transitions and the fluorescence spectrum from B0+X0+ transitions.