Effects of Laser Versus Scalpel Tenolysis in the Rabbit Flexor Tendon

The use of surgical lasers has been shown to decrease adhesion formation as compared with scalpel control groups in various surgical procedures. The potential benefits of laser technology have not been assessed in the treatment of adherent tendons. The current study was designed to first develop a reliable and reproducible model for consistent adhesion formation following flexor tendon trauma. The second goal was to compare the effects of laser tenolysis procedures on tendon gliding with those of traditional scalpel tenolysis. In phase I, the adhesion-induction model utilized bilateral standardized crush- abrasion injuries to the hind limb digital flexor tendons of New Zealand White rabbits. Following 4 weeks of immobilization, the animals were sacrificed, and peritendoneal adhesions were assessed biomechanically. A significantly higher maximal force was required to extract the adherent tendons from the foot as compared with nontraumatized control tendons. In phase II, six groups of animals underwent the same standardized tendon trauma. Four weeks later the rabbits were randomly assigned to undergo either CO2 laser or holmium:YAG laser tenolysis on one foot. Scalpel lysis was used on the contralateral foot and served as an intraindividual control. Biomechanical assessment was performed at 1, 2, and 4 weeks following tenolysis. Significantly less force was required to extract the treated tendons at 1 and 2 weeks following holmium:YAG laser tenolysis when compared with scalpel or CO2 laser tenolysis. After 4 weeks, differences between holmium:YAG and CO2 laser and scalpel treatment were no longer significant. Extracted tendons were pulled apart to failure, and no difference in breaking strength was noted between groups. We conclude that holmium:YAG laser tenolysis results in easier tendon gliding as compared with scalpel or CO2 laser tenolysis at early time points. Laser tenolysis does not affect intrinsic tendon strength.