Two-loop N=4 Super Yang Mills effective action and interaction between D3-branes

We compute the leading low-energy term in the planar part of the 2-loop contribution to the effective action of $\N=4$ SYM theory in 4 dimensions, assuming that the gauge group $SU(N+1)$ is broken to $SU(N) x U(1)$ by a constant scalar background $X$. While the leading 1-loop correction is the familiar $c_1 F^4/|X|^4$ term, the 2-loop expression starts with $c_2 F^6/|X|^8$. The 1-loop constant $c_1$ is known to be equal to the coefficient of the $F^4$ term in the Born-Infeld action for a probe D3-brane separated by distance $|X|$ from a large number $N$ of coincident D3-branes. We show that the same is true also for the 2-loop constant $c_2$: it matches the coefficient of the $F^6$ term in the D3-brane probe action. In the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, this agreement suggests a non-renormalization of the coefficient of the $F^6$ term beyond two loops. Thus the result of hep-th/9706072 about the agreement between the $v^6$ term in the D0-brane supergravity interaction potential and the corresponding 2-loop term in the 1+0 dimensional reduction of $\N=4$ SYM theory has indeed a direct generalization to 1+3 dimensions, as conjectured earlier in hep-th/9709087. We also discuss the issue of gauge theory -- supergravity correspondence for higher order ($F^8$, etc.) terms.

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