Constraining the minimal supergravity model parametertanβby measuring the dilepton mass distribution at CERN LHC

We study the dependence on tanβ of the event kinematics of final states with e+e/μ+μ/e±μ+ETmiss+jets, as expected in pp collisions at CERN LHC, within the framework of the minimal supergravity model. With an increase of tanβ, the third generation sparticle masses mτ̃1 and mb1 decrease due to the increase of the tau and bottom Yukawa couplings. As a result, the gluino, top squark, sbottom, chargino, and neutralino decays to third generation particles and sparticles are enhanced. With tanβ rising, we observe a characteristic change in the shape of the dilepton mass spectra in e+e/μ+μ+ETmiss+jets versus e±μ+ETmiss+jets final states, reflecting the presence of the decays χ̃20lL,R±lχ̃10l+l,χ̃20χ̃10l+l, and χ̃20τ̃1±τχ̃10τ+τ, χ̃20τ+τχ̃10, respectively. We exploit this effect for constraining the value of tanβ.
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