H2(γ,p)ncross section between 20 and 440 MeV

Measured total and differential cross sections for deuteron photodisintegration at energies from 20 to 440 MeV are compared to a phenomenological function. The function attempts to represent the coefficients for a Legendre expansion of the differential cross section. The comparison is made by varying parameters in the function to obtain a best fit, in both energy and angle, to the data. The normalization of each data set is allowed to vary according to the quoted systematic error except for data from experiments with bremsstrahlung beams for which the normalization is allowed to vary freely. The analysis included 1615 data from 210 data sets. Measurements of the inverse capture reaction are included by using detailed balance. After rejecting inconsistent data points, we obtain a χred2 of 2.0, which indicates the level of consistency in the database and the agreement between the function and the data. The phenomenological function is used as a representation of the data for comparison to a theoretical model.