Glutathione reductase activity and its relationship to pyridoxine phosphate activity in G6PD deficiency

Per cent stimulation of GR activity by FAD in vitro and PNP oxidase activity were measured in G6PD deficiency, heterozygous β‐thalassaemia and controls. It is confirmed that, in contrast to the high stimulation of GR by FAD commonly found in thalassaemia indicating red‐cell deficiency of FAD, and shown here to be greater in the Italian subjects, GR is usually saturated with FAD in G6PD deficiency, leading to high in vitro activity. Unexpectedly, on the other hand, low FMN‐dependent PNP oxidase activity due to red‐cell deficiency of FMN, confirmed by response to oral riboflavin, was found in the majority of subjects with G6PD deficiency, similar to that found in heterozygous β‐thalassaemia. Whereas this is explained in thalassaemia by an inherited slow red‐cell metabolism of riboflavin to FMN, it is suggested that in G6PD deficiency an increased rate of red‐cell metabolism of FMN to FAD leads to the low FMN and high FAD. When G6PD deficiency occurs with heterozygous β‐thalassaemia, GR is usually saturated with FAD as in G6PD deficiency alone, unless there is an inherited, very slow red‐cell metabolism of riboflavin to FMN. The part played by GR in haemolytic crises in G6PD deficiency is discussed.