• 14 June 2005
We consider a cosmology in which a spherically symmetric large scale inhomogeneous enhancement or a void are described by an inhomogeneous metric and Einstein's gravitational equations. For a flat matter dominated universe the inhomogeneous equations lead to luminosity distance and Hubble constant formulas that depend on the location of the observer and a deceleration parameter that can differ significantly from the FLRW result. The deceleration parameter $q_0$ can be interpreted as being $q_0 < 0$ in a FLRW universe and be $q_0 > 0$ ($q_0=1/2$ for a flat matter dominated universe) as inferred from the inhomogeneous enhancement that is embedded in a FLRW universe. The CMB temperature fluctuations across the sky can be unevenly distributed in the northern and southern hemispheres in the inhomogeneous matter dominated solution, in agreement with the analysis of the WMAP power spectrum data by several authors. The model can possibly explain the anomalous alignment of the quadrupole and octopole moments observed in the WMAP data.

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