Effects of hyperbaric oxygenation on excess lactate production in exercising dogs

Two groups of dogs were exercised at 3 atm absolute pressure while breathing O2; these 2 groups and a 3rd group of dogs were also exercised at 1 atm on air. Levels of pH, pCO2, pO2, and lactic and pyruvic acids were determined in arterial and mixed venous blood; excess lactate due to exercise (XL) was calculated. In group I (8 dogs exercised first at I atm on air, then at 3 atm on O2) arterial XL decreased from [plus or minus] 1.52 m[image] at 1 atm on air to [plus or minus]0.22 m[image] at 3 atm on O2. In group II (8 dogs excercised first at 3 atm on O2, then at I atm on air) arterial XL levels at 3 and I atm were essentially the same ([plus or minus]0.44 m[image] and +0.32 m[image], respectively). In group III (8 dogs exercised twice at I atm on air) significant elevations in XL were observed during both exercise periods. The significantly decreased levels of XL in groups I and II at 3 atm are attributed to hyperbaric O2. In group II, prior exposure to hyperbaric O2 caused lowered XL levels during subsequent exercise at I atm on air.