Intravitreal triamcinalone acetonide for refractory uveitic cystoid macular oedema: longterm management and outcome

To establish the role of intravitreal triamcinalone acetonide (TA) in the long term management of refractory uveitic cystoid macular oedema (CMO) and to determine the long term visual outcome in these patients.This is a retrospective observational case series. All patients had resistant CMO and active inflammation. The primary outcome measure was complete resolution of CMO on ocular coherence tomography. Visual acuity and intraocular pressure were also monitored. Twelve eyes of twelve patients received 2 (n = 10) to 4 (n = 2) mg of intravitreal TA. All had previously been unresponsive to orbital floor steroids. Fluorescein angiography was performed where indicated.There was complete resolution of CMO in all patients. Nine patients had improvement in acuity at there final follow up (mean follow up 40.5 months). Seven had improved by 2 lines (58%). In 3 patients there was no visual improvement. These 3 failed to respond to re-treatment. Five other patients were re-treated because of recurring CMO and deteriorating VA (median time to re-treatment 4 mths). The mean number of re-treatments for this group with orbital floor TA was three. 41.6% of patients developed ocular hypertension (33.8 mhg mean). One required a trabeculectomy.2 mg of intravitreal TA is effective even in cases of resistant uveitic CMO. Although re-treatment is often required, the initial response to treatment can be maintained by subsequent orbital floor steroid injections.