On Penrose Limits and Gauge Theories

We discuss various Penrose limits of conformal and nonconformal backgrounds. In AdS_5 x T^{1,1}, for a particular choice of the angular coordinate in T^{1,1} the resulting Penrose limit coincides with the similar limit for AdS_5 x S^5. In this case an identification of a subset of field theory operators with the string zero modes creation operators is possible. For another limit we obtain a light-cone string action that resembles a particle in a magnetic field. We also consider three different types of backgrounds that are dual to nonconformal field theories: The Schwarzschild black hole in AdS_5, D3-branes on the small resolution of the conifold and the Klebanov-Tseytlin background. We find that in all three cases the introduction of nonconformality renders a theory that is no longer exactly solvable and that the form of the deformation is universal. The corresponding world sheet theory in the light-cone gauge has a \tau=x^+ dependent mass term.

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