Searches for CP violation and ππ S wave in the Dalitz-plot analysis of D0π+ππ0

In e+e collisions recorded using the CLEO II.V detector we have studied the Cabibbo suppressed decay of D0π+ππ0 with the initial flavor of the D0 tagged by the decay D*+D0π+. We use the Dalitz-plot analysis technique to measure the resonant substructure in this final state and observe ρπ and nonresonant contributions by fitting for their amplitudes and relative phases. We describe the ππ S wave with a K-matrix formalism and limit this contribution to the rate to be <2.5%@95% confidence level, in contrast to the large rate observed in D+π+ππ+ decay. Using the amplitudes and phases from this analysis, we calculate an integrated CP asymmetry of 0.010.07+0.09±0.05.