Zona Pellucida Domain of ZPB1 Controls Specific Binding of ZPB1 and ZPC in Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica)

The extracellular matrix surrounding avian oocytes, referred to as the perivitelline membrane (PL), exhibits a three-dimensional network of fibrils between granulosa cells and the oocyte. We previously reported that one of its components, ZPC, is synthesized in granulosa cells that are specifically incorporated into the PL; this incorporation might be mediated by a specific interaction with ZPB1, another PL constituent, which is synthesized in the liver. In order to extend our previous findings, we established an expression system for quail ZPB1 using a mammalian cell line, and several ZPB1 mutants lacking the zona pellucida (ZP) domain or the glutamine-rich repeat region were produced. Western blot analysis of the immunoprecipitated materials with anti-ZPC antiserum indicated that ZPB1 was coimmunoprecipitated with the antiserum in the presence of ZPC. Ligand blotting also revealed the specific binding of ZPC and ZPB1 and indicated that the binding of these two components might be mediated via an ionic interaction. An analysis using recombinant ZPB1 demonstrated that the ZPB1 lacking the ZP domain did not bind to ZPC, whereas the mutant missing the glutamine-rich repeat region retained its capacity for binding. Furthermore, although the ZPB1 lacking the N-terminal half of the ZP domain was able to bind to ZPC, the deletion of the C-terminal half completely abolished ZPB1 binding to ZPC. These results suggested that the C-terminal half of the ZP domain of ZPB1 contains a binding site for ZPC, and that it appears to be involved in insoluble PL fibril formation in the quail ovary.