Evidence for Expression of the Jo^a Blood Group Antigen on the Gy^a/Hy-Active Glycoprotein

The phenotypic association between the non-assigned high-incidence antigen Jo^a and the Gy^a collection antigens Gy^a and Hy was investigated by haemagglutination studies, flow cytometric analysis, immune precipitation and immunoblotting experiments. In haemagglutination tests anti-Jo^a gave the same pattern of reactivity with erythrocytes pre-treated with pronase, trypsin, α-chymotrypsin and thiol reducing agents as did anti-Gy^a and anti-Hy. In addition, similar to that found for anti-Gy^a and anti-Hy, anti Jo^a also showed reduced binding, as determined by haemagglutination and flow cytometric analysis, to erythrocytes from patients with paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglo-binuria. Immune precipitates prepared from radio-iodinated antigen-positive red cells with anti-Jo^a anti-Gy^a and anti-Hy gave similar results - a major component of M(r) 49,000-60,000 (the Gy^a/Hy-active glycoprotein) and a second component of M(r) 85,000-92,000 (this may be a dimer of the Gy^a /Hy-active glycoprotein, or a coprecipitated protein). These immune precipitates, when probed with both anti-Gy^a and anti-Hy under non-reducing conditions, gave a positive immunoblotting reaction to both the M(r) 49,000-60,000 and the M(r) 85,000-92,000 components. These results strongly suggest that the Jo^a antigen is expressed on the same glycoprotein that carries the Gy^a and Hy antigens.

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