Mechanisms of heat conductivity in high-Tcsuperconductors

A phenomenological approach to the heat conductivity κ in the mixed state of a high-Tc superconductor is proposed, which permits resolution between the electronic and phononic contributions, κel and κph. The scattering amplitude for bandlike quasiparticles vs bound states in the vortex cores has been microscopically estimated. The measurements of the in-plane thermal conductivity κ(B,T) of single crystals YBa2 Cu3 O7 and Bi2 Sr2 CaCu2 O8 have been performed at several temperatures T from 4 to 110 K and magnetic fields B (along the c axis) up to 11 T. From comparison of experimental data with the phenomenologic model, the ratio κel/κph (at B=0) has been extracted. This analysis shows that only κel is field sensitive and it is mostly responsible for the maximum of κ vs T, observed at B=0 in both materials.