Multiple sclerosis and nutrition

Benefits from any particular diet in multiple sclerosis (MS) have not yet been proven. It is, however, frequent that malnutrition may potentially exacerbate the symptoms of MS. There is some evidence that a high intake of saturated fat increases the incidence of MS. Epidemiological studies imply that unsaturated fatty acids may have a positive effect on the course of MS. However, the results of controlled studies are ambiguous. A meta-analysis of three small controlled clinical trials suggests a benefit from linoleic acid. Intake of Vitamin D is associated with a lower incidence of MS. In MS, the risk of osteoporosis is high, and prophylactic vitamin D and calcium should be considered at an early stage. The role of minerals, trace elements, antioxidants, vitamins or fish oil is unclear. The possible relationships between diet and MS have not been subjected to adequate study. It seems possible that in the future, diets or dietary supplements may become recommended forms of treatment for MS.