A clamp-on plate has been developed to stabilize long-bone diaphyseal fractures. Its design is entirely different from conventional screw-secured plates. Minimal soft tissue, especially periosteal, dissection is required for application. Since there is no intramedullary encroachment, no further damage is done to the endosteal blood supply. One hundred seventy-one fractures of the radius and/or ulna were followed for at least 6 months. There were no nonunions. The average time to union was 12.3 weeks, compared to 21.4 weeks for similarly selected fractures of the radius and/or ulna treated during the same time framework by conventional screw-secured plating methods. The fact that union is reliable and can be achieved earlier than with conventional screwsecured plates supports the authors contention that sparing of the blood supply to the fracture and thus, the biological integrity of fracture healing play a parallel role along with biomechanical stability in achieving fracture union.