Surface phases of GaAs and InAs (001) found in the metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy environment

We have characterized the (2×4) and (4×2) reconstructions of GaAs and InAs (001) that are present in a metalorganic vapor-phase epitaxy (MOVPE) reactor. Scanning tunneling micrographs show that these surfaces are terminated with arsenic and gallium (or indium) dimers. The (2×4) dimer row exhibits a mottled appearance, which is ascribed to the adsorption of alkyl groups on some of the sites. On the (4×2), <10% of the surface is covered with small (2×4) islands. These results show that, in the MOVPE environment, the GaAs and InAs surface structures are nearly the same as those found in ultrahigh vacuum molecular beam epitaxy.