Congenital Vertical Talus

This series consisted of 15 congenital vertical tali in 12 patients, 11 of which were treated surgically and the remainder conservatively. Conservative treatment (casting alone) yielded poor results in three of four feet, while the results in the surgical group were four good, six fair, and one poor at an average follow-up of 8 years. The surgical procedures included a one-stage release with transfer of the anterior tibial tendon to support the neck of the talus. A Grice arthrodesis was performed either concurrently or within 2 to 4 years. The best results were obtained with early subtalar arthrodesis (Grice) and biplanar K wire fixation. Complications included skin sloughs, avascular necrosis of the talus, and pin tract drainage. Attempts to augment push-off power with tendon transfers were unrewarding.

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