Proton-proton bremsstrahlung calculations at 280 MeV

Proton-proton bremsstrahlung calculations are compared to the 280-MeV experimental results from TRIUMF, which use a polarized proton beam. Calculations are included for all experimental results. The Bonn radial potential is compared to a modified Hamada-Johnston and the Bryan-Gersten potentials. Potentials with different short-range radial behavior are compared in order to examine the penetration of the photon radiation. Rather good agreement with experiment for the Bonn potential is achieved without the arbitrary normalization of 2/3 applied to the TRIUMF cross-section data. The rescattering included in our work accounts for an increase of up to approximately 20% in the cross section, which is not large enough to explain the differences with other calculations, and it contributes up to a factor of 2.5 in the analyzing power. Our present results include partial waves up to Jmax=6.