Variation of theS32Compound-Nucleus Width with Energy and Spin

Coherence widths of the compound nucleus S32 were determined from excitation functions of the differential cross section for the reactions P31(p,α)Si28 and O16(O16,α)Si28. The proton-induced reaction provided a lower average spin of the compound nucleus. Excitation functions were measured for P31(p,α)Si28 from 13.90- to 14.24- and from 26.62- to 30.56-MeV compound-nucleus energy. The average coherence widths were 11 ± 1.2 and 95 ± 15 keV, respectively. For the oxygen-induced reaction, excitation functions were measured from 28.99 to 34.42 MeV with a resulting 73 ± 7-keV coherence width, which is nearly the same as for the lower-spin proton-induced case.