Coherence properties of holes subject to a fluctuating spin chirality

The coherence properties of holes coupled to short-ranged chiral spin fluctuations with a characteristic chiral spin fluctuation time τch=ωch1 are investigated in two dimensions. At temperatures kT≪4π2φ2 1ħωch hole quasiparticles exist and propagate with a renormalized mass m*/m=1+〈φ2〉ħ/16πma02 ωch. $langle phi sup 2 rangle— is the amplitude of the local fictitious flux fluctuation and a0 is a lattice cutoff. At temperatures kT≫4π2φ2 1ħωch an effective-mass approximation is invalid and we find that the hole diffuses according to a logarithmic diffusion law in the quasistatic chiral field. The unusual diffusion law is a consequence of the long-ranged nature of the gauge field. The result shows that the holes do not form a coherent quantum fluid in the quasistatic regime.