Thought Disorder and Communication Problems in Children With Schizophrenia Spectrum and Depressive Disorders and Their Parents

Examined thought disorder and communication patterns in children with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (schizophrenia and schizotypal personality disorders) and their parents and in a comparison group of children with major depressive disorders and their parents. Children with schizophrenia spectrum disorders exhibited significantly more disturbed attention and thought disorder than did depressed children during a family interaction task. Although parents of children with schizophrenia spectrum disorders showed higher rates of communication deviance (CD) on the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)-CD index than parents of depressed children, the two groups of parents were similar in the communication patterns and levels of thought disorder they exhibited during the interaction task. These findings underscore the salience of thought disorder, communication disturbance, and attentional problems in schizophrenic and schizotypal children.

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