Triangle-Wave Generator for Cyclic Voltammetry†

In inexpensive triangle-wave generator is presented and discussed which incorporates the capabilities most needed for cyclic voltammetry: anodic and cathodic scan rates continuously and independently programable with an accuracy of 2% over the range 10-4 10-4 V/sec; a scan amplitude control which is independent of scan rate and is resettable to within 0.1%; less than 0.4% deviation from linearity and symmetry (in symmetric mode); drift in initial potential of less than 0.1 mV/day; negligible overshoot and ringing up to 103 V/sec; and single-scan or continuous operation modes with provision for synchronization with external equipment. The generator requires two operational amplifiers and utilizes a silicon-controlled rectifier as the switching element. The triangle-wave output is compatible with any electronic potentiostat.