Equilibrium and Kinetics of Rotamer Interconversion in Immunosuppressant Prodigiosin Derivatives in Solution

The equilibrium and relative rate of rotamer interconversion around the bond joining the 2,2'-bipyrrolyl and pyrromethene moieties in a synthetic analogue of immunosuppressant prodigiosin are investigated as a function of pHapp in a water/acetonitrile mixture (1/1 by volume). Two chromatographically separable isomeric forms are obtained in acid solutions (pHapp < 4), whereas rapid interconversion occurs above neutrality. Furthermore, pH modulates the conformational preference of the molecule according to nitrogen protonation on the three pyrrole rings system (pKa = 7.2). At high pHapp (neutral form), the same conformer that is observed in pure acetonitrile prevails, whereas the other one is preferred by the protonated form. The nuclear magnetic resonance data indicate that the structures of the two conformers mainly differ in the value of the torsion angle around the aforementioned C-C bond. Kinetic and equilibrium data are quantitatively interpreted with a cyclic mechanism including two protonation (pKa1 = 8.23 +/- 0.03, pKa2 = 5. 4 +/- 0.2) and two conformational rearrangement steps. A molecular interpretation of the observed behavior includes, for the preferred conformer at low pH, formation of a new hydrogen bond between the exocyclic oxygen and the neighboring pyrrole NH upon protonation of the three pyrrole rings system.