Charting the Education Dissemination System

This article uses comparcsons to the transportation system to draw attention to the need for more effective federal leadership in the dissemination of education knowledge. The authors chart the current education dissemination system by discussing the dissemination functions of "spread" or proactive sharing often through public information vehicles, "choice" or responsive dissemination as carried out by libraries and clearinghouses, "exchange" or interactive dissemination, includingfeedbacksystems, and "implementation" or knowledge use. The authors view the chart as lacking coordination among federal discretionary Programs (such as compensatory and special education) and the more general purpose education dissemination Programs (such as the ERIC, the Regional Educational Laboratories, and the National Diffusion Network). The conclusion contains suggested goals and operating principles to use in developing a national education dissemination system that would be orchestrated by the Office of Educational Research and Improvement in the U.S. Department of Education.

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