The sign of the nearest-neighbor exchange interaction J1 and its logarithmic derivative lnJ1r has been determined for the intermetallic type-II antiferromagnet GdAs. The As75 nuclear-magnetic-resonance Knight-shift data in the paramagnetic state of GdAs were used to yield a value for the Curie-Weiss temperature θ35°K. Combining this value with the Néel temperature TN25°K and using the molecular field theory gives J1=0.08°K and J2=0.40°K. The measurement of the sign of lnJ1r in GdAs was performed using low-temperature x-ray powder-diffraction techniques in order to study the exchange-striction-induced trigonal lattice distortion for T<TN. The observed trigonal distortion was found to be a compression along the [111] direction of the NaCl-type GdAs crystal structure. From the sign of the trigonal distortion, it is concluded that lnJ1r is negative. Similar data for GdP suggest that lnJ1r is also negative for this compound.