Preparation of Chloroplasts from Euglena Highly Active in Protein Synthesis

Chloroplasts can be obtained by gentle lysis or mild shear of spheroplasts of vitamin B12-deficient E. gracilis and then purified by isopycnic sedimentation on gradients of Ludox AM or Percoll. The chloroplasts appear compact and highly refractile by phase contrast or Hoffmann contrast microscopy. Upon incubation with [3H]leucine or [35S]methionine, the chloroplasts incorporate the amino acids into protein at rates that are 100-fold faster than previously observed with Euglena and up to 8-fold faster than with chloroplasts of spinach. Euglena chloroplasts prepared by the current procedure are thus qualitatively superior to those previously available from Euglena and at least as active in protein synthesis as chloroplasts from higher plants.