Some Factors Affecting Absorption and Translocation of Zinc in Citrus Plants.

Solutions of ZnCl2 labeled with the radioactive isotope Zn65 were applied to orange and lemon plants (1) as single drops on individual leaves, (2) by spreading over leaf surfaces, (3) in nutrient solutions, and (4) in soil. From counts and autoradiograms of various plant parts it was found that: (a) solution of Dreft detergent 0.3 N in HC1 was superior to soap or sodium ethylene-diamine tetraacetate (Na EDTA) solution in removing zinc residue from leaves; (b) upper and lower leaf surfaces did not differ with respect to Zn absorption; (c) highest rate of absorption occurred with young leaves, at higher Zn concentrations, and near center of the leaf; (d) ultimate distribution was the same whether applied to leaves or roots; (e) chelated Zn (EDTA) in solution penetrated deeper into soil than did a solution of ZnCl2.