The literature has been saturated with extensive reviews on the etiology and on the experimental production of gastric ulcer.1 But a painstaking search failed to reveal any work on, or even a direct suggestion of the possibility of, local anaphylaxis as a spontaneous or experimental cause of this lesion.2 The whole field of local anaphylaxis has attracted but little attention, and almost all the work has been done on the skin. The pioneer work on cutaneous local anaphylaxis was done in 1903 by Arthus.3 The phenomenon observed by him was given his name. He reported that if rabbits were injected subcutaneously with a foreign protein at five day intervals the local toxicity of the protein steadily increased. Thus, the first three injections were absorbed rapidly. The fourth induced a soft infiltration which lasted from two to three days. The fifth produced a hard infiltration which remained for five or six